
Perhe-elämän pyöritystä johon kuusi lasta antaa tahdin - marssijärjestyksen määrävät kuitenkin vanhemmat

Esikoisen 13 v. synttäreihin on aikaa
Lilypie Baby Ticker

Isosiskon 11 v. synttäreihin on aikaa
Lilypie Baby Ticker

Tuuliviirin 9 v. synttäreihin on aikaa
Lilypie Baby Ticker

Lilypie Baby Ticker

Lilypie Baby Ticker

Lilypie Baby Ticker

tiistaina, marraskuuta 29, 2005

What Kind of Love are You in?

True Love

Lucky you! You guys have a very mature and
down-to-earth view of love. You've been through
a lot together, so you realize that it isn't
all a bed of roses. You are very comfortable
around each other and confide in each other
about almost everything. You can't imagine life
without one another and are committed to seeing
this through. Go you!

What Kind of Love are You in? (Beautiful Romantic Pics!)
brought to you by Quizilla